Meet John

Hi, I'm John!

Manager at Brentwood Middleton Day Centre

I am the Manager here at Brentwood Middleton Day Centre and have been for over 19 years and I am still enjoying working with and for the Community of Middleton.

I am a hands-on manager and I am very approachable and sociable.

I am responsible for the overall running of the day centre and I support and supervise 4 staff members and 4 volunteers, I am also responsible for finding funding for the day centre so as to keep it open.

I work very closely with all our partners so as to deliver a wrap round service for people with complex needs and disadvantages in the community.

Long may it continue.

Help with Useful Services

You'll be pleased to know, we have our own dedicated page for many, many helpful directories and services. From housing, to GP support, we're sure you'll find something helpful for you.